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Education students celebrates COEd days ‘24

  •   February 29, 2024
  •  | 
  •   The Visayanian Publication
Education students celebrates COEd days ‘24

THE University of the Visayas College of Education (COED) kicked off their 3-day COEd Days 2024 celebration with the theme: “Embracing Knowledge, Inspiring Unity, Transforming Futures: Celebrating the Power of Education,” last February 28, 2024, at the UV-Pardo Campus grounds.

The event commenced with a parade according to the students' respective organizations, namely, UV English Majors Association (UVEMA), Kapisanan ng mga Filipino Majors (KAFILMA), Junior Educators Alliance (JEA), Social Studies, Science, and Math Association (SOSCIMA), and the Bachelor of Physical Education (BPED) Kinetics Club accompanied by the UV Drum.and Bugle Corps.

Subsequently, the program was formally opened by the newly appointed Dean of the College of Education Dr. Aileen Costas.

Furthermore, this was followed by the COEd Got Talent contest, and the search for Mr. and Ms. COEd 2024.

The candidates presented their production number, showcased their teachers’ attire, and expressed their opinions in the Q and A competition.

Moreover, CESAFI Coach for Hip-Hop Dance Sport Dr. Maria Theresa Gonzaga served as the Chairman of the Board of Judges along with the UV Director of Athletics and Culture Affairs Dr. Crescencio L. Mejarito, and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) Program Coordinator Dr. Philip M. Almanon.

The event was spearheaded by the COEd Council of Leaders (CECL) officers, the faculty, and the student organization officers with the support and attendance of all COEd students.

The event concluded after Mr. Rico L. Autentico and Ms. Pearl Sabanal were crowned as this year’s Mr. and Ms. COED.