Master in Public Health major in
Hospital Administration

  • Level I PACUCOA Accredited

  • Contact us
  • Administration Building
  • 253-6173 Local 404
  • [email protected]
Program Description

The Master in Public Health major in Hospital Administration program emphasizes management for medical and allied health professionals, preparing future leaders to respond effectively to the dynamic healthcare industry. The program equips them with advanced knowledge of business concepts, critical skills application, decision-making, and the ability to evaluate issues related to current health policies and laws. Through research development, graduates are empowered to influence the future of the global healthcare system.


 PACUCOA Level I Formal Accredited Status for the period of January 2023 – January 2026

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

The Master in Public Health major in Hospital Administration program aims to produce health professionals who:

  • Demonstrate advanced and in depth professional and functioning knowledge and skills in the allied health sciences specifically in the areas of nursing practice, public health and hospital and healthcare administration; (PQF LEVEL7)
  • Demonstrate advanced research competencies in scientific inquiry that produce multi-disciplinary and more quantitative and qualitative research on a various nursing and healthcare topics; (PQF LEVEL7)
  • Manifest leadership abilities such as ability to work independently and collaboratively with others in the nursing and health care professions; (PQF LEVEL 7)
  • Engage in continuous learning and reflective thinking to pursue new knowledge and specific skills that involves individual work of interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary experts; (PQF LEVEL 7)

Program Outcomes

Graduates of the Master in Public Health major in Hospital Administration program are expected to:

  • PO1. Utilize exisng standards in public health service, correlang and incorporang data to generate new soluons to public health problems, and suggesng ways to improve public health services and its administraon within the community.
  • PO2. Apply evidence-based approaches to public health research and use of epidemiological methods to the breadth of settings and situaons in public health context and hospital administraon se􀆫ng.
  • PO3. Provide and propose strategies to idenfy stakeholders and build coalions and partnerships for influencing public health outcomes.
  • PO4. Utilize the principles of leadership, governance and management, which include creang a vision, empowering others, fostering collaboraon and guiding decision making to address organizaonal or community challenges.
  • PO5. Apply statutory and regulatory public health systems across naonal and internaonal settings and policies mandated by governing bodies in the policy making and to address legal and organizaonal issues.
  • PO6. Develop public health research, policy based on sound ethical and moral principles and design public health policies or programs.


At University of the Visayas, we take pride in offering quality training programs that open doors to exciting career opportunities. Join us, and let's build your future together. For more information and enrollment details,  contact us today. Your journey to a successful career starts here!